Shine Your Light

Learn the Vocal Liberation Method

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My name is Joseph Wallin and I am the founder of the Vocal Liberation Method

I am helping others to access their full vocal potential by coaching them through the framework that I call the Vocal Liberation Method. My goal is to help people find their passion & shine their true light in the world.

I wasn't always talking with confidence nor did I feel relaxed around singing for most of my life. It wasn't until I was three years into my burnout that I decided to fully meet myself and ask for help. After six months of introspection, group meetings and challenges my voice woke up and with it I came out of my burnout and regained my energy back into my life again.

I've been playing drums for over 20 years and what I mastered during these years was listening. So after I found my own voice I became very interested in how other peoples voices sounds and what the sound of their voice was telling me.
So I did something "weird". I asked my drum students to start making sounds as they were drumming
- That's when I started to notice - 
the vibrations of their voice was directly connected to their energy output. So then I could help them modulate their energy output through working with the vibrations of their voice.

And since this moment I have been fully devoted to working with the voice as a tool for self empowerment.

I kept exploring how I could help my clients free more of their energy through their vibrations
Since then, the drum has slowly faded away from my practice and I have developed the techniques from working with soon 200 clients - coaching them to access more of their vibrations.
As I helped people access more of their energy through their voice what happened was that many came out of the session saying "I found my truth", or "I found my true voice" or "I know exactly what to say to whom"

If you want to know how to work with your voice please check my full training out. It is for free and completely amazing!

The Vocal Liberation Method Training

1 on 1 Sessions

In person Vocal Dearmoring sessions. Get hands on help & guidance to open yourself up to your voice fullest potential. And online 1on1 coaching.
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Workshops & Retreats

I am currently running winter retreats focused on nourishment, relaxation and vocal liberation in Stockholm Archipelago. Connect with me on FB for more details

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Online Material

Can't make it to our live offerings? Don't worry, we are working with both group and 1on1 sessions online.

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